SmartEMS 911
A system for processing phone calls in emergency medical transportation
SmartEMS is a proprietary app launched in 2015 providing the smartest way to get people the help they need.
In the event of a medical emergency, an ambulance is alerted with the touch of a button.
SmartEMS is a simple to use app that enables anyone to easily and intuitively choose the hospital they are taken to in the event of an emergency, while also notifying their loved ones.
The system is used for creating and managing ambulance calls. SmartEMS system connects a web resource with two applications – driver’s and client’s. There is also a volunteer app.
SmartEMS client’s app. The advantage of the app is that a client can see a car in real time on the map thanks to GPS tracking. There is also an option of viewing the history of trips. One of the features of a client’s app is the possibility to create a group of contacts (relatives, a personal doctor) that will receive an SMS in case of an emergency call, as well as an e-mail. Using this function you can also call an ambulance for any person in this group. All the people linked to this account will be able to see the trip status.
Driver’s SmartEMS app. After getting a call from a client, a dispatcher sends a message to the driver with all the necessary information about the client (address, personal data, medical history, hospitals, etc.).
A driver can view the history of trips. He has a connection with a dispatcher via messenger.
The system works 24/7.
The advantages of Smart EMS system:
- Ambulance tracker via GPS
- Connection to family members that allows to contact them immediately
- User-friendly interface
- Year: 2015
- SmartEMS: